"What?" he asked, curious again.
"My mom always said that I was born thirty-five years old and that I get more middle-aged every year, like I live in cat years," I laughed and then sighed. "Well, someone has to be the adult around there." I paused for a second to watch him licking his lips and rubbing his hands together furiously. He saw me looking, flashed me a perfectly crooked smile, and went back to looking at me attentively. "You don't seem much like a junior in high school yourself." I noted.
He made a face and changed the subject.
"So why did your mother marry Phil?"
I was surprised that he would remember the name; I hardly remembered Phil's name. It took me a moment to answer.
"My mother... she's very young for her age. I think Phil makes her feel even younger. At any rate, she's crazy about him, his ball-playing." I shook my head. The attraction was a mystery to me, but I had always figured I'd understand when I was older.
"Do you approve?" he asked.
"Does it matter?" I countered, irritated that he was thinking about my feelings again. "I want her to be happy... and he is who she wants."
"... yes."
"I wonder... " he mused.
"Would she extend the same courtesy to you, do you think? No matter who your choice was?" He was suddenly intent, his eyes searching for mine amidst the rain and music.
"I—I think so," I stuttered, putting myself in my mother's shoes temporarily and forgetting who I was. "But she's teh parent, after all. It's a little different then."
"No one too scary, then," he teased.
I grinned in response. "What do you mean by scary? Multiple facial piercings and hella tattoos?"
"That's one definition, I suppose."


Chapter 5