through my window. I couldn't believe it. I hurried to the window to check, and sure enough, there was the sun. I was thrilled to see my old friend from Arizona. Clouds ringed the horizon, but a large patch of blue was visible in the middle. I lingered by the window as long as I could, afraid that if I left, the blue would disappear again,140 worried that it might be up to me, that it might be my desert spirit that fueled the sun.
The Newtons' Paralympic Outfitters store was just north of town. I'd seen the store but had never stopped there. First of all, I hated Mike. Second, I hated the outdoors as well as anything having to do with disabled people. In the parking lot I recognized Mike's wood-paneled station wagon and Tyler's lowrider. As I pulled up next to their vehicles, I could see the group standing around in the front of the Woody. Eric was there, along with two of his Chinese friends. Jessica was there, flanked by Angela and Lauren. Three other girls stood with them, including one I remembered falling over in Gym on Friday. That whore gave me a dirty look as I got out of the truck, and whispered something to Lauren. Lauren shook out her cornmeal hair and eyed me scornfully.
So it was going to be one of those days.
At least Mike was happy to see me.
"You came!" he called, delighted. It was the weather, I thought. That big ball in the sky made me come; not you. "And I said it would be sunny today, didn't I?"
"I told you I was coming." I reminded him. I was simply keeping a promise and responding to pleasant weather.
"We're just waiting for Lee and Samantha... unless you invited someone... . a certain jerk... " Mike added. The memory of inviting Fredward sent chills up and down my spine.

140. A psychological thing in babies where they think things they can't see stop existing.


Chapter 6