"We're packing up—it looks like it's going to rain soon."
We all looked up at the glowering sky. It certainly did look like it was going to rain; maybe Mike was on to something.
"Okay." I jumped up. "I'm coming."
"It was nice to see you again," Squaw said, and I could tell he was taunting Mike with the non-real idea that I had met him before at some point in my life.
"It really, really was. Next time Charlie comes down to see Billy, I'll come too," I promised.
His grin stretched all the way across his face. "That would be cooool."
"And thanks," I added earnestly.
I pulled up my hood as we tramped across the rocks toward the parking lot. A few drops were beginning to drop, making black spots on the stones where they landed. When we got to the Woody, the others were already loading everything back in. I crawled into the backseat by Angela and Tyler, announcing that I was on my period, and so it was someone else's turn to take shotgun. Angela just stared out the window at the escalating storm, and Lauren twisted around in the middle seat to occupy Tyler's attention, so I could simply lay my head back on the seat and close my weary eyes and try very hard not to think.


Chapter 6