He stared at me like I'd just spoke in pig Latin. I bet Mike didn't even know a single word in regular Latin. What made him think he was good enough for me, I'll never know.
"I guess I'll have to get to work on that tonight," he said, deflatedly. "I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out." vSome food that had been circulating in the lower part of my stomach came out, but I managed to choke it back in. "Oh." I was taken off guard. I thought I'd made it pretty clear to Mike that I didn't want to suck his dick, even if his father thought it was a good idea.
"Well, we could go to dinner or something... and I could work on it later." He smiled at me hopefully.
"Mike... " I hated being put on the spot. "I don't think that would be the best idea."
His face fell. "Why?" he asked, his eyes guarded by his protruding mouth and the enormous ears which stood atop his head.
"Mike, I just vomited in my mouth from talking to you for like three minutes. Do you know how long it takes to eat dinner? Not even counting the drive there, the drive back, and whatever other activities you invite me to do."
He didn't look convinced.
I needed another angle. "I think... and if you ever repeat what I'm saying right now, I will cheerfully beat you to death without the slightest regret," I threatened, "And I don't think anyone else would regret it either, and I don't think I'd get any trouble. After all, my father is the police chief, and he only wants what's best for me." I paused. "The point is, I think that would hurt Jessica's feelings."
He was bewildered, obviously not thinking in that direction at all. "Who's Jessica?"
"Really, Mike, are you blind?"
"Oh," he exhaled—clearly dazed. I took advantage of that to make my escape.
It's time for class, and I can't be late again." I gathered my book-documents up and stuffed them into my book-bag.
We walked in silence to Building Three, and his expression was distracted. I hoped whatever thoughts he was immersed in were making him hate me.
When I saw Jessica in Trigganomics, she was bubbling with enthusiasm. She, Angela, and that lesbot Lauren were going to Fort Angles tonight to go dress shopping for the dance, and she wanted me to come, too, even though I didn't need


Chapter 7