"That's why Lauren doesn't like you," Jessica giggled while we pawed through the clothes.
I rolled my eyes. "Lauren is a lesbian." I said.
Angela laughed. "No she's not!"
I rolled my eyes again. "Have you seen her haircut?" I demanded. vAngela suddenly looked off into the distance, as if thinking pensively.
"Yes," I asserted. "Lauren doesn't like me because she's a lesbian, and Tyler likes me because he almost killed me and feels bad about it. Maybe I should just let him suck my dick and be done with it!"
Angela snapped back into the conversation at the mention that I had a dick. "...what did you just say?" she asked, innocently.
Oh, wouldn't you like to know...
The dress selection wasn't large, but both of them found a few things to try on. There weren't a lot of dresses with enough room for Jessica's huge ass, but I helped her find a few that had enough material to make it look like it was just a bunch of extra material and not a fat ass that was making it puff out. She hugged me and thanked me for always looking out for her. I hugged her back, but rolled my eyes at myself in the mirror as I was doing it. While she tried to fit the dresses up over her child-bearing hips, I sat on a low chair just inside the dressing room, by the three-way mirror, trying to control my fuming.
Jessica was torn between two—one a long, strapless, basic black number, the other a knee-length electric blue number with electric straps. I encouraged her to go with blue; if she was going to not take my advice, and wear something form fitting, she might as well show her legs to distract everyone from her stratospheric backside. Angela chose a pale pink dress that draped around her tall frame nicely and brought out the honey tints in her light brown hair. At least, that's what I said to her.
"That pink dress drapes around your tall frame nicely and brings out the honey tints in your light brown hair," I said. "Jessica, don't you think that pink dress drapes around Angela's tall frame nicely and brings out the honey tints in her light brown hair?"
Jessica nodded. I continued to compliment them both generously until they needed help returning their rejects to the racks. The whole process was much shorter and easier than similar trips I'd taken with Rénee at home.181
We headed over to shoes and accessories. While they tried things on I merely watched and critiqued, not in the mood to shop for myself, though I did need new shoes. The girls'-night high was wearing off in the wake of my annoyance at Tyler, leaving room for the gloom to consume me. Why did he think I was going to prom with him? Just because I hadn't explicitly said no didn't mean that I said yes! Was English his second language? I made a mental note to myself to learn how to say "no" in Rapist.
"Angela?" I began, hesitant, while she was trying on a pair of pink strappy heels—she was overjoyed to have a date tall enough that she could wear high heels at all.

181. Though Bella did not attend many high school dances in Phoenix, her mother did.


Chapter 8