"No," he said curtly, and his tone was livid.
I sat in silence, watching his face while his blazed eyes stared straight ahead, until the car came to a sudden stop. I glanced around, but it was too dark to see anything beside the vague outline of dark trees crowding the roadside. We weren't in town anymore. Against my will, I shuddered. I trusted Fredward as the love of my life; was he going to try to rape me, too? Had he only rescued me from gang rape so that he could gang rape me himself?
"Bella?" He croaked.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Distract me, please," he ordered.
"I'm sorry, what?"
He exhaled sharply.
"Just prattle about something unimportant, as you usually do, until I calm down,"187 he clarified, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose with his brain and forefinger.
"Um." I wracked my brain for something trivial. Was there anything trivial in there? "I'm going to run over Tyler Crowley tomorrow before school?" I asked.
He was still squeezing his eyes closed and clenching his PC muscle, but the corner of his mouth twitched.
"Why?" He asked.
"He's telling everyone that he's taking me to prom—either he's insane or he's still trying to make up for almost killing me last... well, you remember it, and he thinks prom is somehow the correct way to do this. So I figure if I endanger his life, then we're even, and he can't keep trying to make amends. I don't need enemies and maybe Lauren

187. Please see thought question #5 for more.


Chapter 8