sweet, seductive, silken, irresistible voice. I could see from their staggered expressions that he had never unleashed his talents on them before. I was feeling a little jealous that I had to share my man-meat with them, but I knew he loved me, so I convinced myself not to worry about it.
"Er... sure," Jessica breathed.
"Um, actually, Bella, we already ate while we were waiting... for three hours—sorry," Angela confessed, nudging Jessica.
"Uh, yeah," Jessica added. "I got really... hungry." Was she hitting on my man?
Fredward turned to me. "I think you should eat something," his voice was low and full of authority. He looked up at Jessica and spoke slightly louder. "Do you mind if I drive Bella home tonight? That way you won't have to wait while she... eats."
Jessica bit her lip, speechless. She was trying to figure out from my expression whether that was what I wanted. I winked at her. I wanted nothing more than to be alone with my perpetual savior. There were so many questions swelling up in my small brain inside my big head that I couldn't bombard him with 'til we were by ourselves in La Bella Italia.
"Okay," Angela was quicker than Jessica. "See you tomorrow, Bella... Fredward." I immediately fantasized about what kind of celebrity-fusion name we would have. Frella? Bedward? I liked Bedward... Angela grabbed Jessica's hand and pulled her toward the car, which I could see a little ways away, parked across First Street. As they got in, Jess turned and waved, her face eager with curiosity and about to burst.
"Honestly, I'm not hungry." I insisted, looking up to scrutinize his face. His expression was unreadable. If Fredward's world were a library, I would be illiterate.
"Yes you are." He walked to the door of the restaurant and held it open with an obstinate expression. Obviously, there would be no further discussion. I walked past him into the restaurant with a resigned sigh. Maybe I liked being controlled, but I'd never let him know it...


Chapter 8