"You're angry," I sighed. "I shouldn't have said anything."
"No," he said. "I 'd rather know what you're thinking—even if what you're thinking is... insane!"
"So I'm wrong again?"
"That's not what I was referring to. 'It doesn't matter'!" he quoted me in a very high, dumb-sounding voice, gritting his teeth together.
"I'm right?" I gasped.
"Does it matter?"
I tried very hard to think of the response I thought he wanted me to have.
"I don't... think so?" I squeaked. "But I am curious."
He resigned with a sighed. "What are you curious about?"
"How old are you?"
"Seventeen," he answered promptly, as though it had been rehearsed.
"And how long have you been seventeen?"
His perfect lips twitched as he stared at the road. "A while," he admitted at last.
"Okay," I smiled. I was dating an older man! I couldn't wait to tell Jessica. Fredward stared down at me with watchful eyes. I smiled wider and he frowned.
"Don't laugh—but how can you come out during the daytime?"
He laughed hysterically, and while I was comforted by the sound, I found myself a little disoriented by the fact that he had disobeyed me. "Myth."
"Burned by the sun?'
"Sleeping in coffins?"


Chapter 9