"Yeah—it was lots of fun." My head was spinning as I tried to remember all the way back to the girls' night out I had planned. "They both found dresses."
"Are you alright?" Charlie asked, swaying back and forth and chucking another empty can onto the floor.
"I'm just tired. I did a lot of walking."
"Well, maybe you should go lie down. I'm concerned." He didn't sound concerned. I wondered what my face looked like.
"I'm just going to call Jessica first."
"Weren't you just with her?" Was he suspicious?
"Yes—but I left my jacket in her car." Good save, girl-genius.
"Well, give her a chance to get home first," he reasoned.
I went to the kitchen and fell. Exhausted. Into a chair. I was feeling really dizzy now. Was I drunk just from smelling beer? I wondered if I was going to go into shock after all. Get a grip, I told myself.
The phone rang suddenly, startling me. I yanked it off the hook.
"Hello?" I breathed breathlessly.
"That's my name, don't wear it out!"
Jessica laughed hysterically.
"Hey, Jess, I was just going to call you."
"You made it home?" Her voice was relieved... and surprised.
"Yes. I left my jacket in your car—could you bring it to me tomorrow?" I was all business.
"Sure. But tell me what happened!" She demanded with a girlish squeal.
"Um, tomorrow—in Trig, okay?" I was all business.
She caught on rather quickly. "Oh, is your dad there?"
"Yes, that's right... "


Chapter 9