"Hmmm." He paused to catch a stray lock of hair that was escaping the twist on my neck219 and wound it back into place. My heart spluttered hyperactively. "I suppose you could say yes to the first... if you don't mind—it's easier than any other explanation."
Was he ashamed of our impending marriage? "I don't mind," I said in a faint voice.
"And as for her other question... well, I'll be listening to hear the answer to that one myself." One side of his mouth pulled up into my favorite uneven smile.220 I couldn't catch my breath soon enough to respond to that remark, as he'd already turned to walk away.
"I'll see you at lunch," he called over his shoulder, down the hallway. Everyone stopped to stare at me and I felt a blush coming on, but for once I didn't mind.
I hurried into class, still flushed but now mildly irritated. He was SUCH a cheater. Now I was even more worried about what I was going to say to Jessica. I sat in my usual seat, slamming my bag down in aggravation.
"Morning, Bella," Mike said from the seat next to me. I looked to see an odd, almost resigned look on his face. "How was Fort Angles?"
"It was... " There was no honest way to sum it up, or spare his feelings. "Great," I finished lamely. "Jessica got a really cute dress."
"Did she say anything about Monday night?" he asked, his eyes brightening. I smiled at the turn the conversation had taken.
"She said she had a really good time," I assured him.
"She did?" he said eagerly.
"Most definitely."221
Mr. Mason called the class to order then, asking us to turn in our papers. English and then Government passed

219. See thought question #7.
220. As opposed to all the other uneven smiles he has, she prefers the one that is uneven.
221. A reference to the musician "Mos Def." Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, he is known for agreeing to most statements and questions with the phrase 'most definitely!'


Chapter 10