Is that another vampire superpower? Natural resistance to the wiles of love? I grimaced. "Neither do I, for that matter."
Fredward shook his head slowly, rolling his eyes this way and that before he met my gaze again. "I told you—you don't see yourself clearly at all. You're not like the others, or anyone else for that matter. You fascinate me."
I glared at him, sure he was teasing me.
He smiled as he slowly deciphered my expression. "Having the... advantages that I do... " he murmured, touching his forehead discreetly, "makes me able to read people's minds. When I do that, people are predictable. But you... " He touched his forehead again, "you are not like anyone I've ever known. You fascinate me. You always take me by surprise."
I looked away, my eyes wandering back to his family, embarrassed and dissatisfied. His words made me feel like a science experiment. I wanted to laugh at myself for ever thinking that he loved me for who I was.
"That part is easy enough to explain," he continued. I felt his eyes touching my face but I couldn't look at him yet, afraid he might read the chagrin in my eyes. "But there's more... and it's not so easy to put into words—"
I was still staring at the Cullens while he walked over to the cafeteria piano. Suddenly Rosalie, his blond and buxom sister, turned to look at me. No, it wasn't a look—it was a glare, a dark and penetrating glare that she made with cold-eyes. I wanted to look away, but her gaze held me until Fredward broke off his sonata mid-note and made an angry noise under his breath. It was almost a hiss, but closer to a bark.
Rosalie turned her head, and I was relieved to be free. I looked back at Fredward—and I knew he could see the confusion and fear that smoldered in my eyes.
His face was a tight one as he explained. "I'm sorry about


Chapter 12