"Alice, Bella—Bella, Alice," he introduced us, gesturing casually with his huge, beautiful hand, a wry smile on his enchanting face.
"Hallo, Bella." Her brilliant obsidian eyes were unreadable, but her smile was friendly. "It's nice to finally meet you, love."
Fredward flashed a dark-looking look at her.
"Hi, Alice." I murmured, nearly incomprehensibly. I was feeling so intimidated, so shy, living in constant fear that my boyfriend would remember that these beautiful women he lived with, who had more in common with him than I ever would, were not really his sisters. I sighed.
"Hi, Bella," she said.
"Hi, Alice," I said again. I'm so awkward sometimes.
Alice shot Fredward a look; it was unreadable. "Are you ready?" she asked him.
"Nearly," he winked, "I'll meet you at the car when I'm..." he looked around, at me, at her, "when I'm completely... ready."
She left without another word or another look; her walk was so fluid, so sinuous that I felt a sharp pang of jealousy. Why couldn't the Lord have blessed me with at least one physically competent limb? Renée had four, Charlie had three. I had zero.
"Should I say 'have fun' or is that the wrong sentiment?" I asked.
"No, 'have fun' works as well as anything." He grinned.
"Then 'have fun.'" I worked hard to sound wholehearted.
"I'll try." He still grinned. "And you try to be safe, please."
"Safe in Forks—what a challenge."
"Bella," he whispered, leaning in close, "you are challenged."
I was confused, but decided to take advantage of the opportunity to say something romantic. "That's because you're so challenging," I cooed.
"Just stay out of trouble," he commanded.
"I promise to be safe," I recited. "I'll do the laundry tonight—that ought not be fraught with peril."
Fredward shuddered. "Don't fall in," he said.
"I'll do my best."
"Well, I hope you do."
"Well, I'm sure I will try to."
He stood then, and I rose too.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I sighed.
"It seems like a long time to you, doesn't it?" He teased. Did he know something about the nature of time that I didn't?
I nodded glumly.
"I'll be there in the morning," he promised, smiling his


Chapter 12