"I'm not a very good... "
"Hiker?" he guessed with a slight chuckle.
I didn't laugh; didn't even crack a smile. "Walker."
He smiled his crooked smile, this time using it to indicate that he wanted me to continue.
"I can't walk very well."
He smiled a gentle smile. "I can be patient—if I make a great effort."
I tried to crack a smile in response, but the attempt was unconvincing. His eyes scrutinized my face.
"I'll take you home," he promised. I knew he thought it was fear that upset me, as if I suddenly became aware of the danger he presented, and was repulsed.
"If you want me to hack a full mile through the jungle before sundown, you'd better start leading the way. I don't think you have any idea how long it takes me to walk a mile," I said acidly. He frowned at me, his smile disappearing, and struggled to understand my tone and expression. He gave up after a moment and led the way into the forest, commencing our one-mile death march...
It wasn't as hard as I had feared. The way was mostly flat, and he held the damp ferns and webs of moss aside for me, standing in the middle of the trail with his arms extended as far as they would go. When his straight path took us over fallen trees or boulders or dead animals, he would lift me by the elbow and then slowly release me instantly when I was clear. His cold skin on my relatively warm skin never failed to make my heart thudder erratically, as well as erotically. Twice, when that happened, I caught a look on his perfect face that made me sure that he somehow knew what I was thinking.
For the most part, we walked in silence, the only sound coming from our stretch-pants-laden legs swishing against each other. Occasionally


Chapter 12