possible, so I tried to talk with you like I would with any other mortal. I was eager actually, hoping to decipher your thoughts, to get... inside." He grinned shyly. "But you were too interesting, Bella. I found myself caught up in your expressions, your movements, the look in your eyes... and every now and then you would stir the air with your hand or your hair, and the scent would stun me again...
"Of course, then you were nearly crushed to death in front of my eyes."
I thought about Tyler, and wondered if Lauren had made him a eunuch yet.
He continued. "Later I thought of a perfectly good excuse for why I had acted at that moment—because if I hadn't saved you, if your blood had been spilled there in front of me, I don't think I could have stopped myself leaping onto the ground and lapping it up like a house cat." He shivered at the thought, and I shuddered. "But I only thought of that excuse later. At the time, all I could think was, 'Not her, Lord. Not her.'"
He closed his eyes, lost in his agonized expression. I listened, more eager than rational. Common sense told me I should be terrified, but instead I was relieved to finally understand, and was then filled with compassion for his suffering, even now, as he confessed his craving to take my life...
I finally was able to speak, though my voice was on the verge of fainting. "In the hospital?" I managed.
His eyes flashed up to mine. "I was appalled. I couldn't believe I had put my adopted family in danger after all, put myself in your power—you and all of your people. As if I needed another motive to kill you." We both flinched; I was picturing an annotated, illustrated catalog of his motives. "But it had the opposite effect," he continued quickly. "I fought with Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper when they suggested that now was the time... the worst family fight we'd ever had. Carlisle sided with me, and Alice." He grimaced when he said her name. I couldn't imagine why, but had a feeling I soon might... "Esme


Chapter 13