"How do you feel?" he asked.
I couldn't be sure how I felt when my head was spinning so crazily. "I think I'm still dizzy."
"Put your head between your knees."
To my surprise, it helped a little. I breathed in and out slowly, keeping my head very still. I felt him sitting beside me and the moments passed, one after another. Eventually I found that I could raise my head. There was a hollow ringing sound in my hears.
"I guess that wasn't the best idea," he mused.
I tried to be positive, but still felt nauseous. "No, it was very interesting."
"Hah! You're as white as as ghost—no, you're as white as me!" He chortled.
"I think I should have closed my eyes."
"Remember that next time."
"Next time?!" I groaned.
He laughed, his mood still radiant.
"Show-off," I muttered.
"Open your eyes, Bella," he said quietly.
And he was right there, his face inches from mine. His beauty stunned my mind—it was to touch too much, an excess that I would never be able to process.
"I was thinking, while I was running... " He paused.
"You can think while you run?"
"Silly Bella," he chuckled. "Running is second nature to me, it's not something I have to think about."
He smiled.


Chapter 13