His hands refused to let me move so much as an inch. I thanked God.
"No, it's tolerable. Wait, please." His voice was polite, controlled, and distinctly un-romantic. I sighed.
I kept my eyes on his, watched as the excitement in them faded and gentled.
And then I knew he was dead.
He smiled a surprisingly impish grin.
"There," he said, obviously pleased with himself.
"There?" I asked.
"I didn't eat you," he said, an irritatingly smug smile on his perfect face. He laughed aloud. "I'm so very strong. It's nice to know."
"I wish I could say the same," I said, for lack of anything better to say. "I'm sorry."
"You are only human, after all."
"Thanks so much."
He was on his feet in one of his lithe movements and held out his hand to me, an unexpected romantic gesture. I was so used to our standard of non-contact. I took his cold hard hand, needing the support more than I thought.
"Are you still faint from the run? Or was it my kissing expertise?" How lighthearted, how human he seemed as he laughed now, his seraphic face untroubled. I blushed, remembering how we had kissed just a few short moments ago. He was a different Fredward than the one I had known. And I felt all the more besotted by this new one. It would cause me physical pain to be physically separated from either man.
"I can't be sure, I'm still woozy," I managed to respond. "I think it's some of both though," I said, trying to chuckle and appear as lighthearted as he appeared.
"Maybe you should let me drive."
"Are you insane?"
"I can drive better than you on your best day," he teased, totally serious. "You have much slower reflexes."


Chapter 13