"Fredward!" I hissed.
I heard a ghostly chuckle and nothing else until Charlie managed to get the cruiser door open. He leaned out the car window, shaking his head.
"Rough day?" I asked.
"Bella?" he called.
"I'm right here, dad." I hoped he wouldn't hear the hysterical edge to my voice. I grabbed my dinner from the microwave and sat at the table as he climbed out of the car. His grunts sounded so noisy after my day with Fredward.
"Can you get me some of that? I'm bushed." He stepped on the heels of his boots to take them off, holding the back of Fredward's chair for support.
I took my food with me, scarfing it down as I got his dinner. It burned my tongue; I really was hungry. I filled two glasses with milk while his bacon lasagna was heating, and gulped mine down to put out the fire. As I set the glass down, I noticed my hand trembling. Charlie sat in the chair, and the contrast between him and its former occupant was comical. I wondered if Charlie was ever even ten percent as hot as Fredward, and felt a little sad for my mom.
"Thanks," he said as I placed his food on the table.
"How was your day?" I asked. The words were rushed; I was dying to escape to my room.
With a flick of the wrist, he motioned to the cruiser next to him. Just then, I noticed all the broken glass and enormous chunks of wall all over the floor. I giggled a little.
Charlie looked over, surprised that I was giggling, but as an even greater surprise to both of us, he started laughing too. I was so surprised that I started laughing too. Our laughter resonated through the kitchen; and for the first time, I felt truly at home in Forks, Oregon.
"Today wasn't all that bad," Charlie said, still chuckling a bit. "The fish were biting... "
I knew what he meant.
"How about you?" He continued. "Did you get everything done that you wanted to?"
"Not really—it was too nice to stay indoors." I took another big bite.
"It was a nice day," he agreed. What an understatement, we secretly thought to ourselves.
Finished with the last bite of bacon lasagna, I lifted my glass to his.
"Cheers, Charlie." I said. He smiled and tapped his glass to mine and I chugged the remains of my milk.


Chapter 14