I took the stairs two at a time, trying to be quiet, and flew into my room, closing the door tightly behind me.
Fredward hadn't moved a fraction of an inch, a carving of Adonis perched on my faded quilt. I smiled, and his lips twitched in opposite directions, the statue coming to life.
His eyes appraised me, taking in the damp hair, the tattered shirt. He raised one eyebrow. "Nice."
I grimaced.
"No, what I mean to say is niiiiiiice."
"Thanks," I whispered. I went back to his side, sitting cross-legged beside him on my bed. I looked at the lines in the wooden floor.
"What was all that for?"
"Charlie thinks I'm sneaking out."
"Oh." He contemplated that. "Why?" As if he couldn't know my own father's mind much more clearly than I ever would.
"Apparently, I look a little overexcited."
He lifted my chin, examining my face.
"You look very warm, actually."
"Shut up!" I giggled, and fell back on the bed, rolling around. "Maybe compared to you!"
He bent his face slowly to mine, laying his cool cheek against my skin. I held perfectly still, not sure what he was doing.
"Mmmmmm... " he breathed. "Mmmm... .mmm."
It was very difficult, while he was touching my face with his, to frame a coherent question. It took me a minute of scattered concentration to begin.
"It seems to be... much easier for you, now, to be close to me... "
"Does it seem that way to you?" he murmured, his nose gliding up and down my jaw. I felt his hand, lighter


Chapter 14