shocked by my out-of-control enthusiasm. I stared up at him, afraid that I had crossed his line.
But he laughed.
"Of course," he answered, startled, but seemingly pleased by my reaction. His hands rubbed my neck.
I laid my head cautiously against his left shoulder, breathing in the smell of the left side of his neck.
"I was sure it was a dream," I admitted.
"You're not that creative," he scoffed dreamily.
"Charlie!" I remembered, thoughtlessly jumping up again and heading to the door.
"He left an hour ago—after detaching your battery cables, I might add. I have to admit I was disappointed. Is that really all it would take to stop you from a Seattle Saturday, if you were determined to go?"
I deliberated where I stood, wondering what Charlie knew. Did he know?
"You're not usually this confused in the morning," he noted. He held his arms open for me to return. His arms were irresistible.
"I need another human minute," I admitted.
"I'll wait," he groaned, wrapping his arms around himself.
I skipped to the bathroom, my emotions unrecognizable. I didn't know myself, inside or out. Was I here? Was I there? I was changing. The man in the mirror was practically a stranger—eyes too bright, hot spots of red across his cheekbones. After I brushed my teeth, I worked to straighten out the tangled chaos that was my hair. I splashed my face with cold water and tried to breathe normally, without success. I half-ran back to my room, barely managing to stay upright against my momentum.


Chapter 15