I shrugged. "It was very funny, and you know it. Besides, you're not funny either."
He looked as though he had been hit across the face. "I am too funny," he assured me, contorting his body into the shape of a waffle in an attempt to outdo me.
"Oh, okay," I said, getting his drift.
He threw my body over one of his stone shoulders gently, but with a swiftness that pummeled my abdomen and knocked the wind out of me. I protested silently as he carried me down the stairs but he ignored me, sitting me right-side-up on a chair when we got to the kitchen.
"What's for breakfast?" I asked.
That threw him for a minute.
"Er, I'm not sure. What would you like?" His marble brow puckered.
I grinned wildly, hopping up.
"That's all right, I fend for myself pretty well. I'm actually a pretty good cook," I admitted. It was time he knew about more of my hidden skills.
I found a bowl and a box of Lunky Charms. I could feel his eyes on me as I poured the milk slowly and perfectly into the bowl with one hand and grabbed a spoon out of the drawer with my free one. I sat my bowl on the table with a little bit of spin and then flipped the spoon into the bowl.
"Can I get you anything?" I asked, feeling his eyes on me.
He rolled his eyes. "There's nothing in this room I want to eat, Bella. Besides you."
I laughed and sat at the table, watching him as I took a bite. He was gazing at me, studying my every movement, no doubt impressed. It made me self-conscious. I cleared my mouth to speak, to distract him.
"So what's on the agenda for today?" I asked.


Chapter 15