Fredward's low voice was furious. "This is crossing my line."
"He came to warn Charlie that you're a vampire?" I guessed.
Fredward just nodded, answering Billy's gaze through the rain with narrowed eyes.
I felt weak with relief that Charlie wasn't home yet.
"Let me deal with this," I suggested. Fredward's black-ish glare made me anxious.
To my surprise, he agreed. "That's probably best. Be careful, though. The child has no idea."
I bridled a little at the word child. "Squaw is not that much younger than I am," I reminded him.
He looked at me then, becoming angry that I was defending Squaw.
I sighed and put my hand on the handle.
"Get them inside," he instructed, "so I can leave. I'll be back around dusk."
"Do you want my truck?" It was all I had to offer
He rolled his eyes. '"I could wealk home faster than this truck moves."
"You don't have to leave," I said wistfully.
He rolled his eyes. "Actually, I do. After you get rid of the Blacks," he said, glaring in the Blacks' direction, "you still have to prepare Charlie to meet Your Vampire Boyfriend." He grinned wildly, showing all of his teeth.
I groaned. "Thanks. A lot."


Chapter 17