he allowed. "Is Charlie as well informed?"
He found the weak chink in my armor.
"Charlie likes the Cullens a lot," I hedged. He clearly understood my evasion. His expression was solemn, unsurprised.
"It's not my business," he said. "But it may be Charlie's."
"Though it would be my business whether or not this business is Charlie's business, right?"
I wondered if he even understood my confused question as I struggled not to say anything compromising to our business negotiation. But he seemed to. He thought about it while the rain picked up against the roof, the only sound breaking the silence.
"Yes," he finally surrendered. "I guess that's your business, too."
I sighed with relief. "Now don't you go Indian-giving this one."
"You want to talk about Indian-giving, talk about the—"
"I'm just busting your balls, Billy," I said, touching his shoulder.
"What's left of them," he smiled. I looked into his eyes, filled with nothing but concern for me, and there was nothing more I could say.
Just then the front door banged loudly, and I jumped at the sound.
"There's no picture anywhere in that car." Squaw's whine reached us before he did. His shirt was stained with the rain, rendering it translucent and exposing his hairy nipples. His hair twirled and sprayed when he rounded the corner.
"Hmm," Billy grunted, suddenly detached, spinning his chair round and round. "I guess I left it at home."


Chapter 17