Cullens entered the cafeteria without him. Then I could relax and join in the lunchtime conversation with Jessica and Mike and my other admirers, including Eric. Mostly it centered around a trip to the La Push Ocean Park in two weeks that Mike was putting together. I was invited, and I had agreed to go, more out of politeness than any desire to spend time with him at a beach. Beaches should be hot and dry, and so should Mike.
By Friday I was perfectly comfortable entering my Biology IV class, no longer worried that Fredward would be there. For all I knew, he had dropped out of school. I tried not to think about him, his European buckskin pants, pale skin and stiff bod, but I couldn't totally suppress the worry that I was responsible for his continued absence, ridiculous as it seemed.
My first weekend in Forks passed without incident. Charlie, unused to spending time in the usually empty house, worked most of the weekend. I cleaned the house, got ahead on my homework, and wrote my mom more bogusly cheerful e-mail. I did drive to the library Saturday, but it was so poorly stocked that I didn't bother getting a card; I would have to make a date to visit Olympia or Seattle soon and find a good bookstore. I wondered idly what kind of gas mileage the truck got... and shuddered at the thought of having to pay for a lot of gas just so I could get a few books.
The rain stayed soft over the weekend, quiet, so I was able to sleep well.
People greeted me in the parking lot Monday morning. I didn't know all their names, but I waved back and smiled at everyone. It was colder this morning, but happily not raining. In English, Mike took his accustomed seat by my side. We had a pop quiz on Wuthering Heights, me and Mike. It was straightforward, very easy, although I could hardly say as much about Mike... or could I?


Chapter 2