"Yes. He won't attack the house, though. Not willy-nilly."
He turned off onto the invisible drive, with Alice following behind.
We drove right up to the house. The lights inside the house were bright, but they did little to alleviate the blackness of the encroaching forest. Emmett had my door open before the truck was stopped; he pulled me out of the seat, tucked me like a football into his vast chest, and ran me through the door.
We burst into the large white room, Fredward and Alice at our sides. All of them were there; they were already on their feet at the sound of our approach. Laurnet stood in their midst. I could hear low growls rumble deep in Emmett's throat as he set me down next to Fredward.
"He's tracking us," Fredward announced, glaring balefully at Laurnet.
Laurnet's face was unhappy. "I am unhappy of that."
Alice danced to Jasper's side and whispered in his ears; each of her lips quivered with the speed of her silent speech. They flew up the stairs together, dancing mid-air. I stared. Rosalie watched them, and then moved quickly to Emmett's side. Her beautiful eyes were intense and they flickered unwillingly to my face after swinging around the room in a desperate attempt to avoid me.
"What will he do?" Carbomb asked Laurnet in chilling tones.
"I will regret to tell you," he answered. "they will find her. They will eat her."
"Can you stop him?"
Laurnet shook his head. "No, there is nothing to stop Yames now. He is already starting on the bloodclot. There is nothing to stop him."


Chapter 19