about the snow; apparently they had never seen snow before. I kept my mouth shut, avoiding the flaky, white substance. Sure, it was drier than rain—until it got in your mouth.
I walked alertly to the cafeteria with Jessica after Spanish. Mush balls were flying everywhere. I kept a binder in my hands, ready to use it as a shield if necessary. I hate snow. Jessica thought I was hilarious, but I didn't. Something in my expression kept her from lobbing a snowball herself.
Mike caught up to us as we walked into the doors laughing with ice melting the spikes in his perfect, blond hair. He and Jessica were talking animatedly about the snow fight, and the snow, and how interesting it all was, as we got in the food line to buy food. I glanced toward that table in the corner out of habit. And then I froze, like ice, where I stood. There were five people at the table.
Four, plus one previously missing Fredward. Jessica pulled on my arm.
"Hello? Bella? What do you want?"
Nothing from you, you shrew, I thought. I pulled my arm back and looked down; my ears were hot. I had no reason to feel hot in that area, I reminded myself. I hadn't done anything wrong.
"What's with Bella?" Mike asked Jessica.
"Nothing," I answered for myself. "I'll just get a soda today." I caught up to the end of the line.
"Aren't you hungry?" Jessica asked.
"Actually, I feel a little sick," I said, my eyes still on the floor.49
I waited for them to get their food, and then followed them to a table, my eyes resting on my feet.
I sipped my soda slowly, stomach churning. Twice Mike asked, with unnecessary concern, how I was feeling. What made him think I wanted to talk to him about it?

49. Bella's original two-eyeball configuration may be in the process of being disrupted by them literally falling out, which could potentially be the first step in the mutation process that gives the students of the Forks High School their extra eyes.


Chapter 2