I deliberated for a moment, and decided that she really was earnest.
"Tell me then... how do you become a vampire?"
My question caught her off guard. She was quiet. I rolled over to look at her, and her expression seemed ambivalent. I wondered if I was out of bounds.
"Fredward doesn't want me to tell you that," she said firmly, but I sensed that she didn't agree.
"But I sense that you don't agree."
"I know."
I looked at her, waiting.
She sighed. "He'll be extremely angry."
"He's always extremely angry," I sighed. "Besides, it's none of his business. This is between us girls. Alice, as a friend, as a girlfriend, I'm begging you."
She looked at me with her splendid wise eyes, choosing.
"I'll tell you the mechanics of it," she said finally, "but I don't remember it myself. And I've never done it before, so keep that in mind."
I grunted.
"As predators, we have a glut of weapons in our physical arsenal—much, much more than really necessary. The strength, the speed, the acute senses, not to mention those of us like Fredward, Jasper and I, who have super powers as well. And then, like a carnivorous flower, we are physically attractive to our prey."
I was very still, remembering how Fredward had demonstrated the same concepts for me in the meadow.
She smiled wide. "We also have another superfluous weapon. We're also venomous," she said.


Chapter 20