The seconds ticked by as I stopped having things to meditate on.
Then, without any warning, Alice leaped from the bed, landing lightly on her feet. My head jerked as I stared at her, startled.
"Something's changed." Her voice we urgent, and she wasn't talking to just me anymore.
She reached the door at the same time the Jopster did. He had obviously be listening in. He put his hands on her shoulders and guided her back to the bed, sitting her on the edge.
"What you see?" he asked intently, staring into her face. Her face was focused on something very far away. I sat close to her, leaning in to see if I could catch a reflection of it in her eyes.
"I see a room. It's long, and there are mirrors everywhere. The floor is wooden. He's in the room, and he's waiting. There's gold... a gold stripe across the mirrors."
"Like a balance bar?" I thought of my old ballet gym, where I first learned my moves.
"I don't know. Something is missing—another decision hasn't been made yet."
"How much time?"
"It's soon. He'll be in the mirror room today, or maybe tomorrow. It all depends on what he does. He's waiting for something. And he's in the dark now."
Jaster's voice was calm, methodological, as he questioned her in a practiced way. "What is he wearing?"
"It's too dark. He's watching TV... no, he's running a VCR and watching in the dark, in another place."
"Can you see what he's watching?
"No, it's too dark."


Chapter 20