I'd seen him. He looked merely curious again, unsatisfied in some way. Like he wanted something he couldn't have, or needed something he couldn't need.50
"Fredward Cullen is staring at you," Jessica giggled in my ear.
I wiped at my ear. "He doesn't look angry, does he?" I couldn't help asking; I needed to know.
"No," she said, sounding confused by my question. "Should he be?"
"I don't think he likes me," I confided, though I wished and secretly suspected it wasn't true. I still felt queasy. I put my head down on my arm.
"The Cullens don't like anybody... well, they don't notice anybody enough to like them. But he's still staring at you."
"Stop looking at him," I hissed. She was stealing my thunder.
She snickered but looked away. Thank god. I raised my head enough to make sure that she did, contemplating violence if she resisted. I even played out a few scenarios in my head; they were ugly.
Mike interrupted us then—he was planning an epic battle of the blizzard in the parking lot after school and wanted us to join. Unaware that Mike was probably just trying to get closer to me, Jessica agreed enthusiastically, excited to spend time with Mike, no matter what they were doing. The way she looked at Mike left little doubt that she would be up for anything he suggested. I kept silent. Mike had obviously forgotten our earlier conversation where I had said I hated the snow and realized that he had horseteeth. I would have to hide in the gym until the parking lot cleared.
For the rest of the lunch hour I very carefully kept my eyes at my own table. I decided to honor the bargain I'd made with myself.51 Since he didn't look angry, I would go to Biology IV. My stomach did frightened little flip-flops at the thought of sitting next to him; being so close, and yet so far.
I didn't really want to walk to class with Mike as

50. The author is foreshadowing Fredward's insatiable desire to eat Bella's blood, and that he will spend the rest of the book constantly telling her that he can smell it bubbling underneath her skin.
51. Bella deals with her emotions by dividing herself into two parts and pitting them against one another.


Chapter 2