for me anyway. There was no glory in beating me, a weak human.
"Would you mind, berry much, if I left a little letter of my own for your Fredward?"
He took a step back and touched the record button on my mom's old video camera, balanced carefully on top of the stereo. A small red light indicated that it was running. He adjusted it a few times, widened the frame. I stared at him in horror. He was going to film this? Good grief!
"I'm sorry, but I just don't think he'll be able to resist hunting me after he watches this. And I wouldn't want him to miss anything. It was all for him, of course. You're just some breezy who was in the wrong breezy place at the wrong breezy time. And indisputably breezing with the wrong crowd, I might add."
He stepped toward me, smiling, holding his arms out in front of him. "Before we begin..."
I felt a curl of nausea in the pit of my stomach as he spoke. I was nervous: getting eaten and dying was something I had not anticipated.
"I would just like to rub it in, just a little bit. Rub it. Rub it in. The answer was there all along, waiting to be rubbed, and I was so afraid Fredward would rub it out and ruin my fun. It happened once, oh, ages ago. The one and only time my prey escaped me.
"You see, the vampire who was so stupidly fond of this little victim made the choice that your Fredward was too weak to make. When the old one knew I was after his little friend, he stole her from the asylum where he worked—I will never understand the obsession some vampires seem to form with you humans—and as soon as he freed her he made her safe. She didn't even seem to notice the pain, poor little creature. She'd been stuck in that black hole of


Chapter 22