"I'm sorry, Mom. But everything's fine now, you know?" I patted her gently on the back with my non-broken arm.
"I'm just glad to finally see your eyes open," she said, with a hint of sarcasm. "I'm just glad you aren't dead. I'm glad you didn't die. You could have died, Bella." She was breathing hard, choking back sobs.
I suddenly realized I didn't have any idea when it was. "How long have my eyes been closed?"
"It's Friday. It's Friday, Bella. Do you know how many days I've been worrying?"
"Friday?" I was shocked. I tried to remember what day it had been when it was that day... but I didn't want to think about that day—that day.
"They had to keep you sedated for awhile, honey. You've got a lot of injuries!" She exclaimed. Her arms were still wrapped around me and squeezing tight, and her voice was very loud in my ears. At first it had felt good, comforting, but it started to make me a little bit uncomfortable.
"I know I have a lot of injuries," I said. "I can feel them."
"You're lucky Dr. Cullen was there! He's such a nice man, such a young man..." Her voice tapered off and she began to loosen her grip. "In fact, he looks more like a model than a doctor."
"You met Carlisle?"
"Yes, and Fredward's sister, Alice. She's a lovely girl. I..."
"Me too," I agreed wholeheartedly.
She glanced over her shoulder at Fredward, lying with his eyes closed in the chair. "You didn't tell me you had such attractive friends in Forks."
I cringed, and then moaned.
"What hurts?" she demanded anxiously, grabbing my face in her hands. Fredward looked over, as though jealous.
"It's fine," I assured her. "I just have to remember not to move my face." Fredward lapsed back into his phony slumber.
I took advantage of my mother's momentary distraction to ask her about Phil. "Where's the Phildozer?" I asked quickly.


Chapter 24