weren't working. He looked over our shoulders to glance at the completed lab, and then stared more intently to check the answers.
"So, Fredward, didn't you think Isabella should get a chance with the microscope?" Mr. Banner asked, a tinge of anger in his voice.
"Bella," Fredward corrected automatically. Mr. Banner seemed to become more agitated at this, and he was beginning to look a little green around the gills. "Actually, she identified three out of the five."
Mr. Banner leaned onto the table, gripping the edge hard and shaking, his face a combination of skepticism and rage, and asked, "Have... have you done this lab before?"
I smiled sheepishly, trying to defuse the situation. "Not with onion root."
"Whitefish blastula?"
Mr. Banner nodded, seeming to control his temper. "Were you in an advanced placement program in Phoenix?"
"Well," he said after a moment, "I guess it's good you two are lab partners." He took a deep breath, the green draining from his face. He mumbled something else as he walked away. After he left, I began doodling61 on my notebook again.
"It's too bad about the snow, isn't it?" Fredward asked. I had the feeling that he was forcing himself to make small talk with me. Paranoia swept over me again. It was like he had heard my conversation with Jessica at lunch and was trying to prove me wrong.
"Not really," I answered enchantingly, instead of pretending to be normal like everyone else in this godforsaken town. I was still trying to dislodge the stupid feeling of suspicion, and I couldn't concentrate.
"You don't like the cold." It wasn't a question.62

61. Black rectangle.
62. The first of many commands Fredward directs at Bella.


Chapter 2