FREDWARD! I tried to concentrate on my feet, but he kept creeping under them, back into my thoughts just when I really needed my balance. Fredward and sanity were mutually exclusive.
It was a relief, as always, to leave the Forks High School. I almost ran to my red truck; there were just so many people I wanted to avoid. The truck had suffered only minimal damage in the accident. I'd had to replace the tail lights, and if I'd had a real paint job, I would have touched that up. In contrast, Tyler's parents had to sell their van for parts.
I almost had a stroke when I rounded the corner and saw a tall, dark figure leaning against the side of my truck. Then I realized it was just that Eric. I started walking again.107
"Hey, Eric," I called, reluctantly.
"Hi, Bella," He oozed, eagerly.
"What's up?" I said as I was unlocking the door. I wasn't paying attention to the uncomfortable edge in his voice, so his next words took me by surprise. Although now that I think about it, I guess I did notice it.
"Uh, I was just wondering... if you would go to the spring dance with me?" His voice broke on the last word. I almost laughed, mostly at the fact that I hadn't been expecting another boy to want to go to the dance with me.
"I thought it was girl's choice," I said, too startled to be diplomatic. Did he think he was a girl? Did he think I thought he was a girl?
"Well, yeah," he admitted, shamefaced.
I recovered my composure and tried to make my smile warm. "Thank you for asking me, but I'm going to be in Seattle that day."
"Oh," he said, clearly disappointed that I wouldn't give him the time of day. "Well, maybe next time." He was clearly grasping on any thread of hope that I might, someday, enjoy his company.
"Sure," I chortled, and then bit my lip to ease the laughter. I wouldn't want him to think I was having a good time with him, for any reason.
He slouched off back toward the school. I heard a low chuckle.

107. Bella had stopped walking when she almost had a stroke.


Chapter 4