"Oh," I said, as several things he'd hinted at fell suddenly into place. "I see."
"Do you?" He face was abruptly severe, as if he were afraid that he'd accidentally said too much.
"You're... a supervillain?" I guessed, having no idea what he'd been getting at but having a sneaking suspicion that it probably sucked. My pulse quickened as I intuitively realized that I was probably right, he probably was a supervillain. He'd been trying to tell me that all along.
He just looked at me, eyes full of some emotion I couldn't comprehend, but emotion nonetheless.
"But not bad," I whispered, prayed, shaking my head. "No, I don't believe you're a bad supervillain." What was I even saying? Was I crazy?
"You're wrong. All supervillains are evil. Even good ones." His voice was almost inaudible. He looked down, stealing my bottle lid and then spinning it on its side between his fingers. I stared at him, wondering why I didn't feel afraid. He meant what he was saying—that was obvious. But I just felt anxious, on edge... and, more than anything else, fascinated. The same way I always felt when I was near him.
The silence lasted until I noticed the cafeteria was almost empty.
I jumped to my feet. "We're going to be late."
"I'm not going to class today," he said, twirling the lid so fast that it was just a blur and I got really turned on just watching his twirling prowess.
"Why not?"
"Even supervillains ditch class now and then." He smiled up at me, but his eyes were still troubled.
"Well, I'm going," I told him. I was far too busy being a pussy to risk getting caught.
He turned his attention back to his makeshift top. "I'll seen you later, then." Maybe I only imagined it, but he seemed to mouth the word 'pussy' after that.


Chapter 5