he was as still as if he'd been carved from the stone his skin resembled.
Finally he looked up, his eyes seeking mine, full of his own questions.
"Are you all ready to go home?"
"With you?"
"Well, I'm driving you, but I'll take you to your house."
"I'm ready to leave," I qualified, overly grateful that we had the hour-long ride home together. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to him. Our relationship was developing really quickly now, and I didn't want to miss a minute of it. Every minute, I felt closer and closer to him...
The waitress appeared as if she'd been called. Or watching.
"How are we doing?" she asked Fredward.
"We're ready for the check, thank you." His voice was quiet, rougher, still reflecting the strain of our conversation. It seemed to muddle her. It seemed to kick mud all over her hopes that Fredward might be interested in her. Fredward looked up to find her looking down at him, trying to sneak a peak at his lap.
"S-sure," she stuttered in defeat when he used his two hands and wrists to make and X blocking the view of his crotch. "Here you go." She pulled his check out from between her sweaty breasts and handed it to him. He took it reluctantly, looking over at me with raised alabaster eyebrows. He smelled it. We shared a look of disgust, a strangely-romantic look of disgust.
The waitress seemed offended and was about to leave, but there was a bill in his enormous hand already. His hand was so enormous, the bill looked like Monopoly money. He put it on the edge of the counter, scooting away from her.
"No change." He smiled alluringly. The waitress was disappointed that Fredward wouldn't be going home with her, but relieved that he had left a good tip. Then he stood up to leave, and I scrambled awkwardly to my feet.
She smiled invitingly at him again. "You have a nice evening," she cooed, beckoning him with an index finger. I thought about beckoning her with my middle finger, but wasn't sure if that would make me less attractive to Fredward, so I passed.
He didn't look away from me as he thanked her. "You have a nice evening, too."
He walked close beside me to the door, still careful not to touch me. I remembered what Jessica had said about her relationship with Mike, how they were almost to the hand-holding stage. I sighed dramatically. Fredward seemed to hear my loud, dramatic sigh, and


Chapter 8