The sound of The Growler growling to life frightened me. I laughed at The Growler; I laughed at myself.
When I got home, the handle of the door was unlocked, just as I'd left it. Inside, I went straight to the laundry room. It too was just the same as I'd left it! I dug for my jeans and, after finally locating them amidst a pile of Charlie's soiled briefs and my oversized t-shirts—just as I'd left them—checked the pockets. Empty. I concluded that the key I had used to drive The Growler home was, in fact, The Growler's key. Case closed. I smacked my hands together in a sign of defeat and done-ness.
Following the same instinct that had prompted me to lie to Mike, I called Jessica on the pretense of wishing her luck at the dance.
"Don't let Mike slip his gay dick inside you when you're grinding up on him," I suggested, adding "girl!" for flair. She had always been receptive to my advice, and vowed that she would not let this happen.
When she offered the same wish for my day with Fredward, I told her about the cancellation. She was more disappointed than a third party had any right to be. I said goodbye quickly after that.270
Charlie was absentminded at dinner, worried over something at work. Some smalltown-cop travesty, I guessed; or maybe a basketball game, or maybe he was just really enjoying the lasagna—it was hard to tell with Charlie.
"You know, Dad... I began, breaking into his reverie.
"What's that, Bell?"
"I think you're right about Seattle. I think I'll wait until Jessica or one of my other... " I paused, trying to coax the word out, "... friends can go with me."
"Ah, I see, you're waiting for Mikey Newton."
I rolled my eyes.
"Oh, okay. So do you want me to stay home?"
"No, Dad, don't change your... 'fishing' plans. I've got a million things to do... homework, laundry, library, grocery store... and several hundred thousand others. I'll be in and out all day... you go and have fun."
"Are you sure?"

270. "Bella, I'm really disappointed!" Jessica squealed.
"Yeah, well."
"I just realllly hoped that you and—"


Chapter 12