"I have thought that I have heard something. When I was walking through the forest, it was a time that I heard something happening" he said in a relaxed voice with a thick Transylvanian accent. "I am nice to meet you. My name, Laurnet. These vampires, they are Yames and Victoria." He gestured to the vampires beside him.
"I'm Carbomb," Carbomb said casually. "This is my family, Emmett and Jasper, Rosalie, Sesame?, Alice, Fredward, and Bella. Bella Duck. Mrs. Bella Duck Cullen."
"I am very glad to hear that. Are you having the room for a few more of players?" Laurnet asked sociably.
Carbomb matched Laurnet's friendly tone. "Actually, we were just finishing up. But we'd certainly be interested another time. Are you planning to stay in the area for long?"
"We will head north... but still, we are curious for you, for your family. We don’t many often see the vampires who are situated in your area."
"No, this region is usually empty except for us and the occasional visitor, like yourselves." He paused. "I mean, you'd think more people would come here, but..." He shrugged.
The tense atmosphere had slowly subsided into a casual, even boring, conversation; I guessed that the Japster was using his peculiar gift to control the situation.
"Your hunting range... what is it?" Laurnet casually inquired.
Carbomb ignored the assumption behind the inquiry. "The Olympic Range here, up and down the Coast Ranges on occasion. We keep a permanent residence nearby. There's another permanent settlement like ours up near Denali."
Laurnet rocked back and forth on his two inch heels, over and over.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." There was an honest curiosity in his voice.


Chapter 18