"Why don't you come back to our home with us and we can talk more comfortably in the comfort of our own home?" Carbomb invited. "It's a rather long story."
Yames and Victoria exchanged a surprised lookeroo at the mention of the word "home," but Laurnet controlled his expression better.
"Mm, yes, that is seeming good." His smile was super-genial. "We, we and my family, we do not for a long time... how do you say it... clean up the blood clot." His eyes moved appreciatively over Carbomb's refined appearance.
"Please don't take offense, but we'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from hunting in this immediate area. We have to stay inconspicuous, you understand," Carbomb explained.
"Mmmmm," Laurnet nodded warmly. "Of course. We are having much respect for you family, and this region, it is yours. We and my family, we understand it. It is okay. I think it is okay. We were eating outside of Seattle. We are okay," he laughed, bobbing his head up and down. A shiver ran up my spine.
"We'll show you the way if you'd like to run with us—Emmett and Alice, you can roll with Fredward and Bella to get the Jeep," he casually added.
Three things seemed to happen simultaneously while Carbomb was speaking:
1.) My hair ruffled with the light breeze, undulating like dough coming out of a
spaghetti press.
2.) Fredward stiffened.
3.) The second male, Yames, suddenly whipped his head around.
a. He also scrutinized me.
b. His nostrils also flared.
A swift rigidity—a certain hardness—fell on all of them as Yames lurched one step forward into an offensive squat. Fredward bore his teeth as though sacrificing them to a god, squatting in defense, a feral snarl rippling through his throat.


Chapter 18