It was nothing like the playful sounds I'd heard from him this morning; it was the single most threatening thing I had ever heard, and the chills ran from the crown of my head to the back of my heels.
"Oi!" Laurnet exclaimed in open surprise. Neither Fredward nor Yames relaxed their aggressive poses. Yames feinted slightly to the side, and Fredward shifted in response. Yames resumed his erect posture, and Fredward got deeper into his squat.
"She's with us," Carbomb's firm, buff rebuff was directed towards Yames. Laurnet seemed to catch my scent less powerfully than Yames, but awareness now donned his face.
"You brought the snack?" he asked, his expression, incredulous, as he took an involuntary step forward. "You brought the snack."
God, was I just a piece of meat?
Fredward snarled even more ferociously, harshly, his lip curling high above his glistening, bared teeth. Laurnet involuntarily stepped back.
"I said she's with us," Carbomb corrected in a hard voice.
"Sorry, but she is snack," Laurnet whinnied. The words were not at all aggressive, but I found myself objecting to them.
"Yes." Emmett was very much in evidence at Carbomb's side, his eyes on Yames. Yames slowly straightened out of his crotch, but his eyes never left me alone, nostrils still wide, as though ready to welcome something inside. Fredward stayed tense, like a lion, in front of me.
When Laurnet spoke, his tone was soothing—trying to defuse the sudden hostility. "It appears we have a lot to learn about the other."
"Indeed." Carbomb's voice was still cool as a Carcumber.
"But we are still friends." His eyes fucked toward me and back to Carbomb. "I understand." He patted on his chest. "I can see that we will not share your snack, but still we are friends."


Chapter 18