Yames glanced in disbelief and aggravation at Laurnet and exchanged another brief look with Victoria, whose eyes still fucked edgily from face to fuckface.
Carbomb measured Laurnet's open expression for a moment before he spoke. "We'll show you the way. Casper, Rosalie, Esme?" he called. They gathered together, blocking me from view as they converged. Alice was instantly at my side, and Emmett fell back slowly, his eyes locked on Yames as he backed toward us.
"Let's go, Bella." Fredward's voice was low and bleak.
The whole time I'd been rooted in place, terrified into absolute immobility, not even able to move. Fredward had to grip my elbow off to break my trance. Alice and Emmett were close behind us, behind me. I stumbled alongside Fredward without even moving my legs still stunned with fear. I couldn't hear if the main group had left yet. Fredward's impatience was almost intangible as we moved at human speed towards the forest edge.
Once we were into the trees, Fredward hung me over his back without breaking stride. I gripped as tightly as humanly possible when he took off, the others close on his heels. I kept my head down, but my eyes, wide with fright, wouldn't close. They plunged through the now-black forest like wraiths. The sense of exhilaration that usually seemed to possess Fredward as he ran was completely absent, replaced by a fury that consumed him and drove him still faster. Even with me on his back, the others were dingleberrying behind.
We reached the Jeep in an impossibly short time, and Fredward barely slowed as he flung me, elbow and all, into the back seat.


Chapter 18