"Strap her in," he ordered Emmett, who slid in beside me.
I didn't even know where in my history of successful seat beltings to begin my protest, but Emmett's two timber-like arms were already a blur as they reached across and snapped the belt home.
Alice was already in the front seat, and Fredward was starting the engine. It roared to life and we swerved backward, spinning around to face the winding road.
Fredward was growling something too fast for me to understand, but it sounded a lot like a string of profanities.320 "Hope everyone's buckled up," he muttered audibly while looking at me in the mirror, and I began to mutter my own string of profanities321 when he stomped the accelerator and the Jeep took off.
The jolting trip was much worse this time, and the darkness only made it more frightening. Emmett and Alice both glared out the side windows.
We hit the main road and though our speed increased, I could see much better where we were going. My pocket compass told me that we were headed south, away from Forks.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
No one answered. No one even looked at me.
"Dammit, Fredward! Where are you taking me?!"
"We have to get you away from here—from there—from away—now." The speedometer read a hundred and five miles an hour.
"Turn around! You have to take me home!" I shouted. I struggled with the stupid harness, tearing at the nylon straps with my fingernails.
"Emmett," Fredward said grimly.
And Emmett secured my hands in his steely grasp.
"Argh! No, Fredward! No! You can't do this!"
"Yes, I can," he chuckled, looking up at himself in the rear view mirror as he continued to drive at a hundred and five miles an hour. "But I also have to, Bella; now please be quiet."
"I won't! You have to take me back—Charlie will call the FBI! They'll be all over your family—Carlisle! Esme! They'll have to leave, forever!"
"Calm down, Bella." His voice was cold. "We're vampires. Even if we do leave, it could hardly be forever."

320. "Motherfucking cocksuckers playing grab-ass dookie in the middle of our fucking Airplanes game and my big fucking date like they couldn't pick a better fucking time to try and knob gobble us to death with fucking bloodsucking bullshit swear to fucking God think they're such fucking hot shit see who's hot shit when I fucking rip their heads off and shit down their necks it'll be my hot shit all over their fucking filthy little hemp ponchos, fucking pricks," he said.
321. "Fredward thinks he's so darngreat yeah maybe well guess what Fredward at least I'm not a big dumb jerk—" she squeezed out before the car lurched immediately into third gear.


Chapter 18