"Not over me, you don't! I am my own woman, Fredward Cullen, and if I say something I mean it, and right now I say remove my harness! Remove it or I'll never... " I was lightheaded from all the shouting. "You're ruining everything!" I struggled violently with total futility.
Alice spoke for the first time. "Fredward, pull over."
He flashed her a hard look, and then sped up. "Vroom vroom, kiddo."
"Fredward, let's just talk this through."
"You don't understand!" he roared in frustration. I'd never heard his voice so loud; it was deafening in the confines of the Jeep. The speedometer neared on a hundred and fifteen. "He's a tracker, Alice, do you know what that means? Huh? Alice? He's a tracker!"
I felt something in Emmett stiffen next to me, and I wondered at his reaction to the word. It meant something more to the three of them than it did to me; I'd always thought a tracker was someone who tracked things. I wanted to understand, but there was no opening for me to ask.
"Pull over, Fredward." Alice's tone was reasonable, but there was a ring of authority in it I'd never heard before.
The speedometer inched past one-twenty.
"Do it, Fredward."
"Listen to me, Alice. I saw his mind. Tracking is his hobby, his passion—and he wants her, Alice—he wants to track her. He begins the hunt tonight."
"He doesn't know where—"
He interrupted her. "He's a tracker, dumbass! He doesn't have to! How long do you think it will take him to cross her scent in town? His plan was already set before the words were out of Laurnet's dirty foreign mouth."
I gasped, knowing where my scent could lead. "Charlie! You can't leave him there! You can't leave him!" I wiggled against the harness.
"She's right," Alice said.


Chapter 18