The car slowed slightly.
"Let's just look at our options for a minute," Alice coaxed.
The car slowed again, more noticeably, and then suddenly we screeched to a stop on the highway's shoulder. I flew against the harness, and then slammed back into the seat.
"There are no options," Fredward hissed.
"I'm not leaving my Charlie!" I yelled.
He ignored me completely.
"We have to take her back," Emmett finally spoke.
"No." Fredward was resolute.
"He's no match for us, Freddie. He won't be able to touch her."
"He'll wait."
Emmett the Grizzly Bear smiled. "I can wait, too."
"You didn't see—you don't understand. Once he commits to a hunt, he's unshakable. He doesn't get shooken. We'd have to kill him to even begin to shake him."
Emmett burped nonchalantly. "I like killing."
"And the female. She's with him. If it turns into a fight, the leader will go with them too."
"You sayin' I can't hit a woman? Or some foppy foreigner? Sheeit," he said, sucking at a tooth.
"There's another option," Alice said quietly.
Fredward turned on her in a fury, shoving his face right up against hers.
Emmett and I both stared at him in shock, but Alice seemed unsurprised. The silence lasted for a long minute as Fredward and Alice stared each other down.


Chapter 18