I broke it. "Does anyone want to hear my plan?"
"No." Fredward growled. Alice glared at him, finally provoked.
"Listen," I pleaded. "You take me back."
"No," he interrupted.
I glared at him and continued. "You take me back. I tell my dad I want to go home to Phoenix.322 I pack my bags. We wait 'til this tracker is watching, and then we run. Not literally, Fredward. He'll follow us and leave Charlie alone. Charlie won't call the FBI or the CIA on your family. Then you can take me any damned place you want."
They stared at me, stunned.
"It's not a bad idea, actually." Emmett's face was lit by a corona of surprise.
"It might work—and we simply can't leave her father unprotected. You know that," Alice said.
Everyone looked from Alice to Fredward.
Fredward paused to think before interrupting himself. "It's too dangerous! I don't want him within a hundred miles of her white flesh!"
Emmett was supremely confident and was now doing curls with two-pound weights. "Fredward, he's not getting through us."
Alice thought for a minute. "I don't see him attacking. He'll try to wait for us to leave her alone."
"It won't take long for him to realize that's not going to happen."
"I demand that you take me home." I puffed out my chest.
Fredward pressed his fingers to his temples and squeeeezed his eyes shut, like he was trying to get something horrible out of them.

322. Phoenix, Arizona; home of the power window.


Chapter 18