"Emmett should stay too," I continued. "He definitely got an eyeful of Emmett."
"What?" Emmett turned on me.
"You'll get a better crack at him if you stay," Alice agreed.
Fredward stared at her incredulously. "You think I should let my piece of meat just wander off my plate into another hungry man's323 lap? No-fuckin'-thanks."
"Of course not," Alice said. "Jasper and I will take her."
"I can't do that," Fredward repeated, but this time there was a trace of defeat in his voice. The logic was working on him.
I tried to be persuasive. "Hang out here for a week—" I saw his expression in the mirror and amended—"a few days. Let Charlie see that you haven't kidnapped me, and lead this Yames on a wild-goose chase or two. Make sure he's completely off my tail. Then come and meet me. Take a roundabout route of course, and then Jasper and Alice can go home."
I could see him beginning to consider it.
"Meet you where?"
"Phoenix." Of course.
"No. He'll hear that's where you're going," he said impatiently.
"And you'll make it look like that's a ruse, obviously. He'll know that we'll know that he's listening. He'll never believe I'm actually going where I say that I'm going but I'm not really going."
"She's diabolical," Emmett chuckled.
"And if that doesn't work?"
"There are seven million people in Phoenix," I informed him with serious knowledge.

323. Swanson Hungry Man Dinners, featuring 1lb of food.


Chapter 18