"It's not that hard to find a phone book."
"Well then I won't answer the phone."
"Oh?" he inquired, a dangerous note in his voice.
"I'll still have my cell, Fredward."
"Fredwad," Alice nagged, "we'll be with her."
"What are you going to do in Phoenix?" He asked her scathingly.
"Girl stuff," she giggled.
"I kind of like it." Emmett was thinking about cornering Yames, no doubt.
"Shut up, Emmett."
"Look, if we try to take him down while she's still around, there's a much better chance that someone will get hurt. Now, if we get him alone, and you keep your meat out of the battle..." He trailed off with a slow smile. I was right and everyone knew it.
The Jeep was crawling slowly along now as we drove into town. Despite my brave talk, I could feel all the thick hairs on my arms standing up. I thought about Charlie, alone in the house, probably in my room crying into a pillow, and tried to be courageous.
"Bella." Fredward's voice was very soft. Alice and Emmett suddenly looked out their windows. "If you let anything happen to yourself—anything at all—I'm holding you. I'm holding you personally. I'm holding you personally responsible. Do you understand that?"
"Yes." I gulped a big one.
He turned to Alice.
"Can Jasper handle this?"
"Give him some credit, Fredward. He's been doing very, very well at handling this."
"Can you handle this?" he asked.


Chapter 18