"Don't worry, Bella," he said in a low but cheerful voice, "we'll take care of things here quickly."
I felt moisture filling up my eyes as I looked at the grin on Emmett's eraser-shaped head. I barely knew him and yet, somehow, I had come to know him, and not knowing when I would see him again after tonight was anguishing. I knew this was just a faint taste of the goodbyes to come, and the thought of their delivery made the tears begin to spill from my eyes.
"Alice, Emmett." Fredward's voice was a command. They slithered soundlessly into the darkness, instantly disappearing like snakes into the abyss. Fredward opened my door and took my hand, then drew me into the protecting enclosure of his arm. He walked me swiftly toward the house, eyes roving through the night.
"Keep the tears up, fatty, 'cause Charlie's up there right now wondering when his baby's coming home so he can tell her all about what he caught while cruising, and we don't have time for that. Jesus, look at you. It's like you just got fat from the ride over. Your hormones acting up? Put on some water weight? Oops about your poops? Booboo want her baabaa?"
"I'm crying just fine without your help, Fredward."
"Fifteen minutes," he warned under his breath.
"I can do this," I blubbered. Fredward had given me an inspiration.
I stopped on the porch and took hold of his face in my hands. I looked fiercely in his eyes like a chrome cheetah.
"I love you harder than I've ever loved anything," I said in a low, intense voice. "I will always love you, no matter what happens now."
"Nothing is going to happen to you, Bella," he said just as fiercely.
"Just follow the plan, okay? Keep Charlie safe for me. He's not going to like me very much after this and might want to kill himself, and I want to have the chance to apologize later."
"Quit dawdling, Bella. We have to hurry." His voice was urgent.
"One more thing," I whispered passionately. "Don't


Chapter 19