forget about me!" He was leaning in, and so all I had to do was stretch up on my knees to kiss his surprised, icy lips with as much force as I was capable of. Then I turned and kicked the door open, smashing the hinges and knocking it out of the frame.
"Fuck YOU, Fredward!" I yelled at him, running inside and slamming the broken door shut in his still-shocked face.
"Bella?" Charlie had just sat down in front of the TV and shoved his face into a banana pie, and now leapt to his feet.
"Leave me alone, fag!" I screamed at him through my tears, which were flowing relentlessly now. I ran up the stairs to my room, throwing the door shut and locking it. I ran to my bed, flinging myself on the floor to retrieve my duffel bag from the floor. I reached swiftly between the mattress and box spring to grab the knotted dirty sock that contained my secret nug stash.
Charlie was pounding on the door.
"Bella, are you okay? That wasn't very nice, what you said to me." His voice was frightened and sad.
"I'm going home," I shouted, my voice breaking in the perfect spot.
"Well, I don't know if you looked around before you stormed in, but technically—"
"No!" I shrieked a few octaves higher. I turned to my dresser, and Fredward was already there, silently yanking out armfuls of random clothes, which he proceeded to throw at me.
"Did he break up with you?" Charlie was confused.
"No!" I yelled, slightly more breathless as I struggled to keep up with Fredward, shoving everything into the bag. Fredward just kept throwing stuff, even though the bag was full now.


Chapter 19