eyes were blank, dazed... My thoughts flew to my mother. They flew to Africans in mudhuts. They flew anywhere but here. I tried to avert my eyes, but couldn't.
"Alice!" Jasper's voice whipped, and then he was right behind her, his hands curling over hers, loosening them from their grip on the table.
"What is it?" he demanded.
She turned her face away from me, into his chest. "Bella," she gasped.
I blushed. "I have no idea what she's talking about. I just walked in and she was like that."
Her head twisted around, her eyes locking on mine, their expression still strangely blank. I realized at once she hadn't been accusing me; she'd had another vision, and it was of me.
"What did you see?" I said.
Jasper looked at me sharply. I kept my expression vacant and waited. His eyes were confused as they flickered swiftly between Alice's face and mine, feeling the chaos... for I could guess what Alice had seen now: me in a dimly lit ballet studio with Yames bathing in my blood.
It remained a mystery why she was so naked.
I felt a tranquil atmosphere settle around me. I welcomed it, using it to keep my emotions disciplined and under control.
Alice, too, recovered herself.
"Nothing, really," she answered finally, her voice remarkably calm and convincing. "You know how it is sometimes." She laughed at herself, rolling her eyes. Jasper made some supportive yuk-yuk sounds.
She finally looked at me, her expression smooth and withdrawn. "Did you want breakfast?"


Chapter 22