was coming from. I heard her laugh, and I whirled to the sound.
There she was, on the TV screen!

She was tousling my hair in relief.
It was Thanksgiving, and I was twelve.
We'd gone to see my grandmother in California, the last year before she died.
We went to the beach, and I'd leaned too far over the edge of the pier.
She'd seen my feet flailing, trying to reclaim my balance.
"Bella? Bella?" she'd called, in fear that I was dying.
And now I really was...

Then the TV screen was blue.
I turned slowly. He was standing very still by the back exit, so still I hadn't noticed him at first. In his hand was a remote control. We stared at each other for a long moment, and then we smiled.
He walked toward me, quite close, and then passed me to put the remote down next to the VCR. I turned carefully to watch him.
"Sorry about that, Belna, but I tricked you."
And suddenly it hit me. My mother was safe. She was still in Florida. What I'd heard, what I'd seen, it had all just been an image on the television screen, a voice in the speakers. She'd never gotten my message at all. She'd never been terrified by the dark red eyes in the abnormally pale face before me. She was safe in Florida, and she had been the whole time.
"Yes," I answered, my voice saturated with relief.
"You don't sound angry that I tricked you."
"I'm not." My sudden high332 made me brave. What did it matter now? It would soon be over. Charlie and Mom would never be harmed, would never have to fear. Even though I felt

332. It is possible that Belna may have absorbed the disintegrated marijuana through her fingertips.


Chapter 22