almost giddy, some analytical part of my mind warned me that I was dangerously close to snapping from the stress of it all.
"How odd. You really mean it." His dark eyes assessed me with interest. "You really are unique." The irises of his eyes were nearly black, just a hint of ruby around the edge. Thirsty. "I will give your strange coven this much, you humans can be quite interesting. I guess I can see the draw of observing you. It's amazing—some of you seem to have no sense of your own self-interest at all. I don't know if that's beautiful or—" he farted, "beautiful."
He was standing a few feet away from me, arms folded, looking at me curiously. There was no menace in his face or stance. I realized, after all this time, that despite the threat he posed to me, I found him rather attractive. His eyes were so fierce, and his voice was so coaxing, almost sensual. His skin was so white, some of the whitest skin I had ever seen, that I found myself incredibly drawn to it, almost wishing I could stroke it for just a minute just to see what it would feel like. I had never felt any skin besides Fredward's, or my own. His looked so soft, and yet seemed so dangerous.
"I suppose you're going to tell me that your boyfriend will avenge you?" he asked, hopefully it seemed to me.
"No, I don't think so. At least, I asked him not to."
"And what was his reply to that?"
"I don't know." It was strangely easy to Converse333 with this genteel hunter. It was like he was the light bulb and I was the fly. I was the trout and he was the shiny lure pulling me up to the surface. I knew what was waiting for me in the place where he would take me, and yet, something deep inside me longed to just go there. The words flowed off my tongue and his words flooded my ears, like all of my gates were open to him... "I left him a letter."
"How romantic, a last letter," he taunted. "And do you think he will honor it?" His voice was just a little harder now, a hint of sarcasm marring his smooth tone.
"I hope so."
"Hmmm. Well, our hopes differ then. You see, this was all just a little too easy, too quick. To be quite honest, I'm disappointed. I expected a much greater challenge. And, after all, I only needed a little luck."

333. Converse footwear, "The mark of originality." A subsidiary of Nike Footshoes.


Chapter 22